Saturday, November 25, 2006

Malaysian Unit Trusts - A New Free eCourse

Malaysian Unit Trusts - A New Free eCourse

Hi! Today, I am writing this primarily for Malaysians who consider themselves lifelong investors.

Most urban Malaysians have already started dabbling in unit trust investments. Sadly, quite a lot of them aren't terribly happy with the results.

To try and improve this situation, I've written a brand new 4-day eCourse entitled Avoiding Major UT Pitfalls.

Unlike almost everything else at my site, which is written with an English-speaking international reader in mind, this particular eCourse is unabashedly Malaysia-centric.

So, if you are a Malaysian who considers himself or herself a lifelong investor, if you believe in exercising your brain, if you're proficient in English, and if you want to learn more about Malaysian unit trusts that might prove profitable to you in the decades ahead, I invite you to check out my newest eCourse and to sign up for it if you think it might help you help yourself.

(If you aren't Malaysian, you're welcome to check lots of other free learning resources here. Thanks for dropping by.)


Warmest regards,


Rajen Devadason is CEO of RD Book Projects and its sister company RD WealthCreation Sdn Bhd. He lives in sunny, peaceful Malaysia with his gorgeous wife Rachel. He's a Malaysian Securities Commission-licensed financial planner, a life planning consultant, a professional speaker and a serial author... which probably explains why he's so exhausted! Some of his books are available here, and, if you're interested, here are some quotations he reckons are accurate, bold or cool.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Rajen on the Psychology of a Saver

Rajen on the Psychology of a Saver

Hi! There are two main types of people - savers and spenders.

What's also true is that all of us exhibit characteristics of both groups!

That isn't really surprising since the world we live in is in many ways - as Madonna used to put it - 'a material world'. So, the real issue for each of us is which trait - saving or spending - is dominant and which one is recessive.

The great thing about growing to understand this truth is that unlike our genetic makeup, there most certainly is something that we can do about which trait continues to be dominant in our lives... in the years and decades to come.

I've been thinking about this issue and discovered that an eloquently articulated opinion by a long dead novelist holds the key to understanding it. If you'd like to find out who that writer was and what he had to say that has such powerful relevance to our own 21st century way of life, then you're welcome to read my article entitled The Psychological Strengths of a Saver.

I hope you enjoy it. If you do, please come back to this page and leave a comment that will help other readers. Thanks and take care.

Warmest regards,


Rajen Devadason is CEO of RD Book Projects and its sister company RD WealthCreation Sdn Bhd. He lives in sunny, peaceful Malaysia with his gorgeous wife Rachel. He's a Malaysian Securities Commission-licensed financial planner, a life planning consultant, a professional speaker and a serial author... which probably explains why he's so exhausted! Some of his books are available here, and, if you're interested, here are some quotations he reckons are accurate, bold or cool.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Rajen On Money

Rajen On Money

Hi! Does it ever seem that everyone, except you, has loads of cash?

Well, now there appears to be serious proof which supports that view!

An intriguing article on Bloomberg, which you can access here, explains why a serious glut in the world's money supply is likely to lead to either asset inflation - because more and more cash will be chasing about the same number of assets - or to rising interest rates - as central banks around the world try to combat inflation.

This is an important piece of information to digest for personal reference, but if your main concerns are really to:

1. Understand money better;
2. Manage cash flow better;
3. Save money; or
4. Eradicate personal debt...

... then you might find these articles of greater immediate value to you:

1. Understand money better - What Is Money?
2. Manage cash flow better - What Is A Cash Flow Statement?
3. Save money - How To Start Saving Money
4. Eradicate personal debt - Escaping Debt Slavery

Happy reading, thinking, researching and, ultimately, improving your financial life.

Take care.

Warmest regards,


PS. If you'd like to receive one article written by me, each week, help yourself to this brand new, FREE facility.

Rajen Devadason is CEO of RD Book Projects and its sister company RD WealthCreation Sdn Bhd. He lives in sunny, peaceful Malaysia with his gorgeous wife Rachel. He's a Malaysian Securities Commission-licensed financial planner, a life planning consultant, a professional speaker and a serial author... which probably explains why he's so exhausted! Some of his books are available here, and, if you're interested, here are some quotations he reckons are accurate, bold or cool.